Sunday, October 18, 2020

Blocked Drains


Once for the morning activities where people are busy preparing themselves before to go to school and work, then there is an incident that the water is not going down the drain, then, that is a nerve-cracking and repulsing situation to be in at an early time of the day and to the busy moment of people that no one could even take a look at the said problem. This clogged or blocked drain problem can result in wet, slimy, and can provide a bad smell that is not good inside the house. Clogged or blocked drains are just part of the joy of indoor plumbing. The good news about this residential problem is that the homeowners themselves can perform the troubleshooting of the issues and prevent them from happening again, including long-standing problems. But before getting there, it is a need to get into and identify what is the cause of the clogged or blocked drain in the first place.

Let us find out some of the reasons for blocked drains. Most bathroom drain clogs result when dirt, skin flakes, and especially hair binds to soap scum on the walls of drain pipes. Over time, this gunk accumulates making the passage of the water reduced to half until it totally clogged along the way. And so, the screen is required or any means of filter to just prevent the hair, soft, and any other materials that could get into the sewage path and sooner that will cost a clogged on the pipe and become completely blocked. There are also some foreign things such as feminine hygiene products, cotton-tipped swabs, dental floss, and pre-moistened diaper wipes that could be the reason for the blocking of the drainage. Clogged toilets are a nasty business. These mainly happen when people try flushing down items that do not dissolve or break apart in water. The best preventative for keeping the toilet free from clogs is to only put the waste and paper that readily dissolve in water. Regular cleaning will also keep water flowing smoothly.

Aside from the bathroom clogged issue, another drainage to be found in the infrastructure is the kitchen sink drain. Kitchen sink blocked drains when cooking grease or oil cake onto drain pipe walls, mostly they found to be solid in the walls of the pipe for it can have the solid feature every time it cooled down. Then, since it is the kitchen sink, then detergent soap residue and un-dissolved food particles, such as rice which expands in water and more, and will be got a stubborn, gunky clog. This also requires a quick response team if cannot be solved by the troubleshoots on the blocked drainage. Since the kitchen is one of the highly essential parts of the house, then it has to be kept clean and the sink has to be working well for the purity of the entire kitchen. In the future, dispose of large amounts of kitchen grease and oil by letting them solidify. Scour the mess into a plastic bag, seal it, and throw it out with the garbage. Small amounts of oil at a level of less than one cup should be thoroughly diluted with hot water and dish detergent before being poured into the sink just to make sure that the liquid will go down the drain and will make no clog.