Monday, November 29, 2021

6 of the Most Common Mistakes People Make When Looking for Plumbers


Whether you have a minor drip in your bathroom faucet, or you have a major sewer blockage, the right type of plumber can make all the difference between a quick fix and an ongoing disaster. But, before settling for the Cannon Hill plumbing that you find on Google, first take a closer look at the most common mistakes that many people make when looking for plumbers.


You Think That Having the Right Tools is All a Plumber Needs to Do Your Job

Many studies show that have of the folks who own a VCR actually don't even know how to set the clock! And, many people think that having the right tools is all a plumber needs!  Many Cannon Hill plumbing firms and contractors have tools that  have a lot of features. However, if they don't know how to use these features, then you might as well work with a plumber that uses the tried and tested old-school tools!


You Don't Give Your Plumber Enough Time to Finish the Job Properly

Mistakes happen when you rush, and this applies to anything or everything, including hiring Cannon Hill plumbing companies. So, to save time, money and the ensuing headaches from the beginning, communicate with your plumber properly, and give them enough time to properly complete your job!


You Hire Plumbers Who Don't Guarantee Their Work

Many homeowners today also hire plumber who do not guarantee their work. Thus, always ask for a guarantee in writing!


You Skip the References

Many folks also make the mistake of not asking for references when looking for plumbers. Along with talking to the plumber about their accomplishments and experience, ask for references from friends, family members, co-workers and even neighbors.


You can also check out the many plumbing reviews websites online, as the Worldwide Web is filled with contractor reviews. Make sure to look for detailed reviews, and do not go for isolated generalities like “Fair Price” or “Great Job” without any supporting proof or information. You can even ask fro help from social media sites like Facebook, as many local Facebook groups provide helpful references from real folks who live near you.


Hiring a Plumber Based Only on Price

If you truly want good Cannon Hill plumbing service, then don't just hire plumbers based only on price. Deal with a plumber because of the overall value that you receive, and not because he or she offers you the “lowest” price. Remember that real value includes quality, service and price!


You Think All Plumbers are the Same

If you think that all plumbers are the same, then you're making a very big mistake. Like in most states, it's the law to use only licensed plumbers. Thus, ask to see your plumber's license and credentials.


And apart from evaluating license and credentials, ask how extensive the plumber's knowledge base is. Do they know how to fix both older and newer plumbing systems and components? And, are they well-versed in all parts of the home's plumbing system?


Finally, ask the Cannon Hill plumbing contractor if they carry insurance for the job, and for their employees. Why? Because without insurance, you could pay more if the plumber damages your equipment, or one of the workers suffers an injury while doing their job!