Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tips for Maintaining Hot Water In Your Plumbing System

Hot water is a vital aspect of modern life. Both businesses and homes use hot water for doing many essential tasks. But, it seems that people usually neglect this component until the hot water in the Brisbane plumbing system stops functioning. The good news is there are some steps to take to keep the hot water system in top condition for a long time.

Here are some things you need to do:

Determine the System Type

You need to know whether the problem is a continuous flow system or with a tank system. Since a continuous flow system does not store any hot water, they need less maintenance to work properly. When it comes to using a hot water system and a water tank, they need more maintenance regularly.

Check the Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve

The TPR valve works to maintain the correct level of temperature pressure inside your tank. If the pressure fluctuates, it can put unwanted strain on your interior tank, gradually weakening its structure. This results in cracks and other damages. Check if your TPR valve is running smoothly or there are some indications that it requires maintenance.

You need to change the valve if there are leaks in the area surrounding it. If the valve is not running continuously and there is no leakage in the area, it is still not a guarantee that it functions correctly. Make sure to check your valve about every six months.

Be Extra Careful With Gardening Work Near the System

If the Brisbane plumbing system is on a grass area close to your house, you need to be careful when doing garden maintenance. For example, heavy bumps from a mower can bring about dents or cracks. Make sure to take special care when working within the area.

Turn off the Tank System When Going Away for a While

If the entire family is going away for a week or so, there is no need to switch off the tank system. However, if you are leaving longer, then it is best to turn the tank of the hot water system off. This is because the Brisbane plumbing system will keep on heating your water, even though nobody is using it. Switching it off whenever necessary can extend the life of the system, as well as, help save you in electricity or gas.

Change the Sacrificial Anode

The sacrificial anode hangs down inside the hot water tank. It is a metal rod that is typically made of magnesium or aluminum that comes with a zinc coating. These metal rods attract impurities such as minerals in the water that may cause your tank of the plumbing system to rust. By putting the sacrificial anode properly, it can rust instead of your tank. But over time, the sacrificial anode tends to deteriorate. You need to replace it periodically as a way to protect your tank.

Get Annual Professional Services

Do not wait until there is an issue in your plumbing, as this could be a costly affair. Contact your local plumber to look into your system at least once a year. A professional can pinpoint any potential problems before they become serious problems and ensure your system is running well.